Individual health care operating under the guise of science has come under undue influence from special interests and have bought every stripe of politician in governments around the globe.
It seems bureaucrats serve people less while serving moneyed and corporate interests ever more.
In the USA itself, the “land of the free and home of the brave”, the exercise of inalienable rights and individual freedoms is being rapidly supplanted by ever more suppressive rules and regulations and it seems we are becoming more like a police state every day.
The Affordable Care Act is an oxymoron in name and anything but affordable and it would be more appropriate to call it the Medical Monopoly Continuation Act for it is here where anti-trust laws are continually ignored against a medical industry given to extreme uncompetitive trade practice. Government protection, support, and laws favorable to that way of doing business let it continue.
For its part, the U. S. Constitution is still argued over from time to time by America’s ruling class of politicians and judges giving the illusion to the governed masses that all is still well in Kansas. But all is not well.
America is sick. And as America goes, so goes much of the rest of the world.
Each one of us is in the health business so to speak. If we are born into this world it comes with the territory. Some recognize the responsibility, most don’t.
If you recognize this responsibility we encourage you, at whatever level you can, to participate with us in learning and taking core wellness technology and health advocacy to those in your community. Do it as a hobby, do it as a business.
There may come a day when systems that people have depended upon in our “modern” age will fail. Government will not be there to provide support. It will be the people, with the capacities they have and what they can provide that will make a difference.
And you might just be that difference.
The Fine Print
No statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA, FTC, or any other governmental agency. No products listed herein are intended to assess, assay, analyze, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or assist in the assessment of health of any human being or animal. This includes any hardware, equipment, software, or other tools shown or illustrated for any form of physical measurement or biofeedback, which sole purpose is for education in the health sciences and is intended solely for the use of private individuals engaged in their private activities, or by licensed health care professionals acting in their licensed capacity and respecting the laws, statutes, regulatory and contract provisions of their license, compliance to which is solely their responsibility. Any services and/or products we promote, sell, barter or trade is done so privately with the recipient's informed consent only.
The information provided on this site is purely for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional nor is any information contained on or in any product label, packaging, book, pamphlet, pdf file or other site resource or product of Biomedx. You should not use the information on this site, nor use any product shown on this site, for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for health assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.
According to many who work in government, your life and body are not your own. It belongs to them. So take heed. Consult with the proper authorities if you deem it necessary before embarking upon any plan that might affect it lest you run afoul of some law that incurs a forced visit with a government agent. After all, they are here to help you.