Next LIVE Workshop: April 3-6, 2025. See Events Page for details on this and other EDU Meetups.
Home of Online Course Study Modules for:
Live Blood Analysis
Biological Terrain Assessment
Elite Level Health Coach Training
High Complexity Placebome Delivery
Physician/Nurse Complimentary Medicine Education
Certificate Paths and Outside-the-Box Business Models
WELCOME to Biomedx EDU
Our online repository of niche health education course modules for practitioners and enthusiasts wanting to engage wholly unique tools and processes to help people become responsibly health-focused, self-healing, and wellness motivated.
Over 25 Years of Live Workshops
Since 1996 Biomedx has presented live hands-on workshops helping attendees think through physiology in new ways while teaching how to use qualitative live cell microscopy, meters, measures and more to dynamically educate others in how to be healthy.
This has successfully put many into new careers and empowered existing practitioners with a style of health advocacy that has been positively impacting the health and lives of many in ways few other methods can achieve.
Subject of Rave Reviews!
Rave reviews for our workshop and material that spans an intense 35 hours over 3 1/2 days has driven us to regularly further the curriculum.
While its jam packed and can put people into gear fast, attendees nevertheless regularly return for that workshop experience and encourage us to give them more of what we do.
And here it is - Biomedx EDU - oodles more layers of workshop topics segmented into learning modules for more expansive study.
And for those that can't make it to a live program, you get access too!
We'll Engage You
With Our Q-Collective
Our Wellness Viewpoint
If you are sick there is only one way to fix it:
Be healthy! Because if you’re healthy you can’t be sick.
With our Q-Collective you'll learn to see it, measure it, manage it, promote it, do it.
And your clients will love you for it!
Join us and receive layers of knowledge to put this perspective into practice.
One Payment Gets You Lifetime Access to Our Core Workshop Material
Add Extended Content as Desired
Never a Continuing Monthly Charge
Our Member Sections
Our Member Material...
When you Join this Platform
You Become a Biomedx VIP!
This membership gives you lifetime access to the Biomedx ‘Core 20’ workshop collection (reviewed below). This is the complete live hands-on workshop manual (which some have called the Biomedx Bible Binder) that is now online with plenty of extras not possible to provide in the older hard copy workbook.
This is also all the material used for online programs done for those who can't make it to a live event.
Plus, once you are a member you will have continual access to all module updates as they happen, without limit!
This membership also includes…
… selected video recordings of prior live workshop presentations.
… live stream access for periodic meetups and open Q & A sessions plus informative EDU interviews with practitioners and others engaged in areas of mutual interest.
… periodic special member offers to third party programs, equipment and more as they become available.
... access to our online member community so you can engage privately with others that are keen on this work to share ideas, ask questions, participate in discussions, and more.
Here's our Core 20 Workshop Modules:
These modules contain all of the material used for our live hands-on Health Foundations Workshop, both the pre-study preparation material as well as everything from our massive 3-ring workshop binder and more.
When getting into a module you will find most of the material for each one breaks down into sections and segments.
Below is a quick rundown of each module.
INT - Module 1 - Introduction. Review intro to the workshop study material and a chance to meet your instructors.
HSB - Module 2 - Health Science Basics. Five lesson monographs as a refresher if needed or as a basic introduction if these sciences are new to you. Monographs cover Medical Terminology; Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology; General Chemistry; Hematology Basics; Digestion.
HRR - Module 3 - How You Rot & Rust. Secrets uncovered and explored through the use of microscopes, meters, measures and more through a reading of the book How You Rot & Rust and a preview of the live presentation slides.
HCP - Module 4 - High Complexity Placebomes. The IT that heals may be more than you think. One thing we may be doing for our clients tomorrow is engaging them in high complexity placebomes, a scientific protocol with interesting research behind it.
MST - Module 5 - Microscope Technology. Going through the technology of the amazing microscope.
LB1- Module 6 - Qualitative Live Blood Microscopy. Understanding live blood under the microscope; red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, exosomes, peripheral plaque and more. The qualitative live blood microscopy portion of this material covers 4 modules (this one plus modules 7, 8, & 9). This module breaks down into 53 segments over 5 sections.
LB1 - Module 7 - Recorded Lectures. 16 segments of recorded video of prior class lectures covering the understanding of Live Blood under the microscope.
LB2 - Module 8 - Live Blood Part 2. 22 segments in 3 sections expanding the peripheral plaque phenomenon with the work of Dr. Keiichi Morishita and the relationship of plaque formations to the Bong Han Vessel / Primo Vascular meridian system.
LB3 - Module 9 - Live Blood Part 3. A continuation on Live Blood microscopy with a summary overview on the contribution of Emanuel Revici MD.
PDT - Module 10 - The Pathology Determination Test - A Basis for Cancer Diagnosis. A simple clot retraction (Bolen modified) microscopy process pioneered at Spears Chiropractic Hospital in the 1950’s claiming 99% accuracy yet it is unknown in the medical field.
OST - Module 11 - The Oxidative Stress Test. Understanding oxidative clot retraction blood markers through simple microscopic testing. Also referred to by some as the Bolen or HLB (Heiten LaGarde Bradford) dry layer blood test.
OST - Module 12 - Recorded Lectures. Recorded videos of prior class lectures covering the PDT / dry layer / oxidative stress test.
PRA - Module 13 - Practicum Supplemental. Practice pointers and more. Doing white blood cell count differentials with your microscope using manual counters, understanding blood type, diets and lectins from A to Z, peripheral plaque ear lobe blood sampling...
FSA - Module 14 - Flow Systems Auditing. This module looks at getting the quantitative numbers that lie behind the qualitative microscopic picture using urine, saliva, meters, measures, and more. Walks through the core 5 homeostatic controls that are key to knowing the clients situational physiology; electrolyte status, lipid anabolic catabolic disposition, glucogenic ketogenic energy processing, autonomic balance, compartmental pH.
OMB - Module 15 - The Oral Microbiome. Identifying oral spirochetosis and more through the microscope and connecting the oral microbiome to overall health.
PRO - Module 16 - Protocols & Viewpoints. Covering diets, supplements, and practical applications of the periodic table of the elements vis a vis Emanuel Revici's incredible insights on its organization and way to use it to target mineral compounds for specific health issues.
URI - Module 17 - Urine Microscopy & More. Urine for a surprise as we cover not only the microscopy of urine using your microscope to uncover what it has to tell, but also the use of urine for biologically targeted individualized immunotherapy.
WTR - Module 18 - On Water. This module explores water as the fundamental universal healing medium as it records and holds information (viewable under the microscope as you will see) useful for correcting and restoring life processes.
BRC - Module 19 - The Biological Reset Center. Gearing up your health practice to incorporate regenerative, anti-aging and self-healing processes to create your own Biological Reset Center.
CYA - Module 20 - Inside Law. Guidelines in foundational law to help you work privately and protect your practice from government over-reach.
Biomedx VIP Members get lifetime access to...
The 'Core 20' Modules
Our complete live hands-on workshop binder now online and always current along with select video recordings of prior live program sessions.
Life Stream Meetups
Join periodic meetups for open Q&A sessions plus informative EDU interviews with practitioners and others engaged in areas of mutual interest.
Member Offer Access
Periodic member offers that we acquire to special third party programs, group equipment discounts and other valuable assets as they become available.
And of course, access to our Online Private Member Community too!
You get ALL of this when you become a Biomedx VIP for a single $997 one-time payment during our open enrollment periods!
Biomedx VIP Membership
- Our Core 20 Workshop Modules
- Live stream access for periodic online meetups, Q&A sessions, etc.
- Member Offers Access
- And when you are on the Inside, you can Extend Your Learning Platform at anytime with:
- - Mentor Access to get some Personal Tutor Time
- - Group Learning Channels
- - Supplementary Learning Modules
- - Mega Bonus Media Material
- - And much more!
Terms and Conditions
When you pay for a VIP membership it gets you access to this Biomedx EDU platform. This platform contains all of the material we have used and do use in our live hands-on workshops at the Biomedx Biotorium Health Learning Lab plus peripheral supporting material and a lot more. It is expected to be an evolving platform.
We reserve the right to change/increase prices for this membership as well as to close/change the platform at any time to new members or classes of members. When you join, the price you pay at that time and for the term offered or chosen is locked and there is no further cost. You may add extensions to your membership at any time at the then current price for that extension as it may be available.
Platform Updates. Educational material on this platform is not static, meaning it can be updated with new information, video explanations, additional modules for extensions, projects and more at any time. At some point the producer(s) of the platform may exhaust their educational supply, or be exhausted from doing any more platform work, in which case the platform may experience stasis for a period of time or indefinitely.
Changelog. From the point of time you enroll as a member and view a module, there may have been changes, subtractions or additions to that module. View the changelog tab on your Member Home page to learn of any changes to platform material.
No Restrictions to Access. We believe learning is for everyone and do not limit our live workshops nor this platform to any one class of people, like only licensed health care practitioners. If you have an interest in what we offer and want to dig deeply into aspects of health science that in some measure, is totally absent from mainstream health education academia, then we welcome you as a member to the platform whatever your path.
Lifetime membership. If you have enrolled with lifetime VIP membership, there will be no other recurring fees and as long as it exists you will have access. The software framework for this current version of the platform limits a user enrollment to a period of 15 years. If this framework continues to be used and you find yourself locked out after 15 years, contact us to extend that date.
Refunds. This material is specific to the natural health and alternative/complementary medicine arena. You should know that this is the type of information you want to have access before you join as once you do join, there are no refunds. Reasons of "I changed my mind" "it's not for me" "I don't like it" "my dog ate my computer", or whatever, are not entertained. You have permanent access when you join for as long as this platform exists and as long as your membership term allows e.g., lifetime, 1 year, 2 year, etc.
Termination. If you do not log into the system platform for a period of three years from your last login, your access and account on the platform may be terminated because for all we know, you have met your demise, you've been abducted by aliens or have gone with Elon Musk to Mars and are no longer on earth, or you have just lost interest. If termination occurs due to a long period of inactivity, the only way to reactivate is to rejoin if that option is available.
Your access can also be terminated if: you are abusive to others on this platform or on our private community group sites; if it is discovered your user name and password is being used by someone other than you (determined in various ways like IP address access, dual login, etc.); if it is found you are copying the material to use on a competing platform; if you are publicly sharing the platform material without our consent; or anything else we deem abusive and warrants termination; or if you request your account be terminated.
One User, One Access: Per the above termination reference, access is meant to be for one user, not one clinic or doc that buys one 'seat' and shares it with 5 others. Geesh, give us a break, this is not a mass market item where we can absorb all that. This is why we have the add-a-partner option in our Silver Extension. You can add a partner at half cost.
Non-transferrable: Each membership account is connected to a single email address and is not transferrable to another email address (with the exception of a business membership transfer as explained below).
Business memberships: This is applicable to clinics/companies with multiple users or potential users of this platform. When an individual at a business enrolls as a member using that businesses email account, that individual becomes the designated business contact. With the addition of the Silver Extension added to the account, additional business employees/associates using that same business email account can be added gaining both VIP membership and the Silver Extension at 1/2 price. If any employee/associate, or the designated business contact leaves the business and no longer accesses that businesses email system, their individual account here will terminate. As long as there is another employee/associate active as a member using the same business email account (who can be recognized as the designated business contact if needed), the clinic/company will continue to be able to add other employees/associates of the business at 1/2 price moving forward.
Business membership transfers: If a user signed up as a member with a clinic or company email address, that user's membership is non-transferrable to another employee/associate as that is seen as "sharing" the membership. If the business desires the original employee/associate business email account be transferred to another employee/associate, this can be done per request but this transfer will need to go to that individual's personal email address wherein they will take over the account as an individual member and membership with the companies email address (seen as the business membership) will terminate.
Content. All content is put forth for educational purpose and not as health advice irrespective of any perceptions you may hold from going through the material as well as when interfacing with platform instructors/tutors/mentors. If you need such health advice, see a competent health care practitioner.
Liability. In using this platform you agree that no liability extends to Biomedx, its staff or the tutor/mentors you might access for providing you this education and information, and likewise they assume no liability for your use or misuse of the information received.
Responsibility. You agree to assume full responsibility for adherence to any applicable law or regulation which may govern your use of this information in the public sphere.
Private. The content of this platform is private and may contain or encompass trade secrets. Beyond sharing aspects of it with your own private clients, you agree to never copy or disseminate this information without express written authorization.
Retained Right. You acknowledge that you join and use this platform under retained right exercising your freedom of choice regarding your own private education where health and other related matters are concerned.
No Safe Space. Political correctness in medicine, science, or otherwise, is not entertained here. You acknowledge this is not a mainstream college or university type platform with any form of 'safe space' provided to hide you from truths, concepts or expressed thoughts that may upset you. If you need protection from challenging ideas, concepts, debate, and prefer to be told what to think, colleges and universities with big tuitions may be more appropriate for you. This is not that.
Live Workshop Coupons. There is no guarantee to the continuation of live workshops or that a live workshop spot will be available to you at the given time that you might choose to attend. Discount coupons if offered for workshops to VIP members have no monetary value should they go unused.
Change in Terms. We reserve the right to update and change these terms and conditions at any time.
2025 Summer Enrollment is now OPEN! But time is limited!!
If you've ever wanted to dive deeper into microscopy, biological terrain, material from our blog and more which covers the topics and technologies of our acclaimed workshops, NOW is the time to do it - before lifetime memberships end!
Once you are on the inside, you can extend your learning platform with even more resources and material...
The Silver Extension
Access Regular Video Meetups. We have 2 set sessions a month where you can meet with Biomedx staff along with anyone else that attends. Get help and personal guidance while you go through any module, ask questions, share insights, or just join in for open discussion.
Get access to our Mentor Network and tap into Tutor Time. This is where you can get one-on-one personal mentoring with a Biomedx team member.
If you are not able to attend a live workshop, you can get on-board with one or more instructors to take you deeper through any core module material at any time. You can do this at your own pace and as your schedule permits through live one-on-one video sessions or phone consults.
You can brainstorm practice management ideas, areas of marketing, clinical tools, cases you are working on. You can also follow up after a live workshop for more in depth coverage on a topic, pre-package a series of sessions with an instructor, do a single session on a topic of interest, mix instructors to get their take on different ways of doing this work, etc. Sessions are billed by time and that rate varies by tutor.
Access Group Learning Channels. This is a premium channel access set up for members at a specific company, a clinic, for those attending a live workshop, or for those who desire a group learning experience but are unable to attend a live program.
These channels are set up on an as needed basis and will run for a set period of time with varying cost, or no cost, depending on program length and structure, content, number of instructors, etc.
When you join a learning channel all participants in your group can communicate with each other, with your instructor(s), ask questions, receive assignments, and go through one or more courses of the VIP membership or periodic bonus programs in a guided, more structured way.
Add a Partner Option. You can give your office staff access to a VIP membership with this Silver Extension for $750 per person. This cuts their enrollment cost in half as opposed to doing it on their own. Just like you they will have their own learning platform with their own private profile, they can tap the tutor network at any time and they can participate in Group Learning Channels along with you or by themselves as they become available.
Bonus Media Content...
...Post Class Follow-up Module. Here you will find the videos that were presented at our live workshop along with any special presentations that were given at classes. It is also where you will find the links to our meetup portal for our periodic live online get togethers.
...The Articles and Papers Archive. Material and research papers supporting and expanding on this work.
...Explore! for the Professional. We have this historic alternative medicine magazine back issue archive direct from the publisher. Not every issue was available but what is offers a treasure trove of timeless articles that will give you insights on clinical practice, useful and in some cases unknown therapies, and much more.
… Marketing & Promotion module(s) that are part of our VIP Platinum Projects. An assembly of media, web, and other tools you can access to use with your clients and to help put you on the map of the who's who of practitioners doing this work.
With the Silver Extension you can Tap into Tutor Time Anytime through our Mentor Network
In our mentor network module you will have an easy way to connect for a text, voice or video chat if you want a one-on-one meetup to help you with any specific platform topic. Linda, Nancy and Steve are the in-house team instructors for all live workshops held at the Biomedx Biotorium while Jim is a long time microscopist and past attorney well versed in constitutional principles and constructs applicable to health care practice.
Group Learning Channels. These can be set up for members at a specific company, a clinic, for those attending a live workshop, or for individuals who desire a group learning experience but are unable to attend a live program.
The channels offer a way for all participants in a group to communicate with each other and their instructor(s), ask questions, receive assignments, and go through one or more courses of the VIP membership in a guided, more structured way.
An ever expanding archive of research reports, articles and papers supportive of, and expanding on, the work covered in our modules.
Explore! for the Professional. The publisher's available archive of this historic alt med magazine. Years ahead of its time and filled with info that never ages.
Access to media, web and other tools you can use with your clients to enhance your business presence. Brochure templates, handouts and more.
Give staff their own learning platform here for just $750 each. Engage them in your plans, share your studies, participate in group learning channels.
Recap: The Silver Extension gets you lifetime access to...
Regular Video Meetups. Group meetups to go through anything that comes up.
Our Private Tutor Platform. Get one-on-one personal mentoring with a Biomedx team member as desired.
Group Learning Channels. Ability to engage a group channel to go through one or more course modules of your VIP membership or periodic bonus programs in a guided, more structured way.
Post Class Follow-up Module. Get access to recap videos run during live workshops and special workshop presentations.
The Articles and Papers Archive giving you targeted research material that supports and expands on the many aspects of this work.
Explore! for the Professional, the historic alternative medicine magazine from the publisher’s archive.
Ability to add office staff to give them their own learning platform here with all Silver Extension benefits for just $750 per seat.
Marketing & Promotion module(s) covering an assembly of media, web, and other tools you can use with your clients to enhance your business presence written with regard to not over-stepping regulatory boundaries.
When you are on the inside you can add the Silver Extension to your platform for a $500 one time payment and have lifetime access.
When you are on the inside, you can also add...
The Gold Extension
The Gold Extension is huge. Here you will find....
Certificate Paths with exam study guides and assessment testing allowing you to gain various certificates for your studies on this platform covering educational microscopy, flow auditing of biological terrain and epigenetics, practitioner health advocacy.
Supplemental Modules that go deeper into core topics that help expand and extend your learning and understanding of key subjects that are encompassed here. Some of these modules are important to and support the Certificate tracks.
Bonus Media Content...
The Book Repository. Access to out of print reference textbooks that offer key insights and support this whole body of work.
Audio Tracks and Podcasts. Selections you can listen to here or download to your phone to learn on-the-go.
Video Tracks and Vlogcasts. Selections we have previously made but never released, made anew, or have somewhere discovered that we think will be of great interest to our members.
This media content is a Gold Extension bonus and meant to be built out over time. Like the Articles and Papers Archive, it will be a continual process of adding material as it is made available for upload.
Certificate Paths
The study guides and assessment exams for what some call 'Live Blood Analysis'. We frame this concept differently and successful completion of this module awards a certificate which expresses your understanding of Qualitative Live Cell Microscopy for clinical EDU and audit application.
The study guides and assessment exams covering the epigenetic perspective of biological terrain theory and Flow Auditing processes. Completion awards a certificate expressing your understanding of how to use meters, measures and more in client engagement.
After completion of the prior two certificate modules, this adds study guides and assessment exams covering a wider range of material important for understanding and imparting to clients the plethora of modalities available that offer them safe, optimal health care.
The certificate modules shown here are due for release later in the future.
Supplemental Learning Modules
You will find exciting supplemental modules in the Gold Extension:
Dr. TC McDaniel 2 Day Seminar on Zeta Potential
We visited with Dr. McDaniel at his clinic shortly before he retired (at age 89) to record what was probably his last seminar on zeta potential sharing what it has done for him and can do for you in your own clinic.
Legal Guidelines for Health Practitoners
Former attorney Jim Jordan, one of our tutor/mentors, presents a constitutional journey into law before a live audience showing how you can and should structure specific constitutional protections into your practice.
The release of supplemental modules for the Gold Extension is planned to be an ongoing occurrence. Here are some others currently available:
EVXO - Extracellular Vesicles and Exosomes. This module delves into this burgeoning field that was introduced in the live workshop program in 2018. You will find it referenced in our Core 20 LB1 module. It updates older terminology that has been used by some in the live blood microscopy arena for years and updates ways of looking at what is being seen in the plasma environment as well.
HSB+ - Health Science Basics Plus. This extends the monographs of the Core 20 Health Science Basics material with many more areas of interest taking deeper dives into bacteriology, immunology, parasitology, mycology, and numerous medical school trainings.
EPHY - Exercise Physiology. In the live workshop as part of the Rot & Rust dialogue on day one we discuss a highly effective exercise modality with very short time commitment as both an easier way for clients to engage in exercise to change their physiology, and as a way to avoid excess catabolic stress that most people endure with their existing gym routines (if they exercise at all.) This module goes deeper into it along with looking further at von Ardennes oxygen reset exercise and more.
PHRM - Pharmacology. With the rise of Rx drugs prescribed like candy to so many patients by main stream medicine, we devote a module to pharmacology to tune you in to prescription drugs and the thought processes and practices which are pervasive in health care today. This can also be an important area if you are working as a Practitioner Health Advocate in a more traditional medical environment that is starting to incorporate a wellness perspective into the practice.
The Revici Papers - The work of Emanuel Revici and thinking through physiology with his constructs is fundamental throughout our program as it provides for a much deeper understanding of health. This module covers his numerous patents which provide more insight into what is possible when knowing physiology and chemistry the way Revici lays it out.
The Reams File - The work of Carey Reams is peripheral to our program and while his lab chemistry process is not directly incorporated into our own, we do pay attention to the many golden nuggets of information that are derivative of his work. This module shares those nuggets through his own words and those of others that have taught with him over the years. It's about connecting his biological theory of ionization from the soil of the earth to the soil of the body.
Bonus Media Content
The book repository is where we put textbooks and historical finds that support this work but are out of print. Three examples:
Research in Physiopathology as Basis of Guided Chemotherapy with Special Application to Cancer, by Emanuel Revici, MD. This is one of the most important works of the 20th century, key to deeply understanding biological terrain and effectively managing health care clients.
Oxidology, the Study of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Their Metabolism in Health and Disease, by Robert Bradford and Henry Allen. This is the textbook covering the chemistry responsible for the microscopic findings of the OST - oxidative (dry layer) stress test.
The Control of Colloid Stability Through Zeta Potential, by Thomas Riddick. The book that Dr. TC McDaniel held as his clinical bible and referenced as one of the greatest contributions ever made to health care (which never made it into mainstream health care's academic curriculums.)
There are many others.
The Gold Extension also gives you curated audio and video material, never released workshop recordings and more.
Recap: The Gold Extension gets you lifetime access to...
Certificate Paths to gain various certificates for your studies on this platform.
Supplemental Modules to expand and extend your learning and understanding of all this material.
Book Repository for out of print reference textbooks that offer key insights and support for this whole body of work.
Audio Tracks and Podcasts. Selections you can listen to here or download to your phone to learn on-the-go.
Video Tracks and Vlogcasts. Video selections never released, made anew, select video discoveries of interest.
Add the Gold Extension to your Membership anytime and get lifetime access to the material for a one time $997 payment.
And then there's some extra special things...
The VIP Platinum Projects
These are part of the BUSINESS EXTRAS you get as a VIP member some of which compose special projects that will be available when they are ready to roll out. Projects currently being worked on will fall under our Business Resources Section, one being the Marketing and Promotion module as highlighted below...
While you can have all the best processes to use with your clients, if you don't have clients or enough of them, that's a problem. Getting traffic into your business, from help with website development to putting you on the internet map, is what the Marketing and Promotions Module is about. Here are two elements for this module in development...
We've engaged a creative team that has moved artificial intelligence into the marketing arena to put your business on the map. And that map is world wide.
Step 1, put your key practice information into the program. Step 2, the program uses that information to create slideshows, PDFs, videos, audios and blogs of your business. Step 3, the program fires that material into known media channels worldwide.
Why would you want a world presence from these distribution channels for your local health business?
Because when your local customer searches for a health provider, you will dominate their search with your information that has been gleaned from respectable websites worldwide, all referring back to your local practice. Imagine that! This in turn, drives those customers to you, and it's done all without trying to figure out Facebook ads, SEO, etc.
We're keeping the title of this project under wraps but we're pretty sure when it's released you're going to be excited.
Your microscope is a tool to take people on a fantastic voyage to explore the smaller things in life - like the smaller things in their blood! The educational impact of this is HUGE.
Through children's books on this topic and a parent's guide to those books, you will be engaging clients with children on a whole new level for health care. Besides bringing children into the sphere of healthy thinking, you will also be bringing them into an area of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) in a healthy positive way.
The community outreach, networking, PR and positive influence you can engender with this program can launch you into the stratosphere.
There are other lofty topics, projects and modules that are on the drawing board but for now, if you like what you see and want to get involved, please join while enrollment is open.
Here is a brief early tour of the platform...
Biomedx VIP Membership
- Our Core 20 Workshop Modules
- Live stream access for periodic online meetups, Q&A sessions, etc.
- Member Offers Access
- And when you are on the Inside, you can Extend Your Learning Platform at anytime with:
- - Mentor Access to get some Personal Tutor Time
- - Group Learning Channels
- - Supplementary Learning Modules
- - Mega Bonus Media Material
- - And much more!
Terms and Conditions
When you pay for a VIP membership it gets you access to this Biomedx EDU platform. This platform contains all of the material we have used and do use in our live hands-on workshops at the Biomedx Biotorium Health Learning Lab plus peripheral supporting material and a lot more. It is expected to be an evolving platform.
We reserve the right to change/increase prices for this membership as well as to close/change the platform at any time to new members or classes of members. When you join, the price you pay at that time and for the term offered or chosen is locked and there is no further cost. You may add extensions to your membership at any time at the then current price for that extension as it may be available.
Platform Updates. Educational material on this platform is not static, meaning it can be updated with new information, video explanations, additional modules for extensions, projects and more at any time. At some point the producer(s) of the platform may exhaust their educational supply, or be exhausted from doing any more platform work, in which case the platform may experience stasis for a period of time or indefinitely.
Changelog. From the point of time you enroll as a member and view a module, there may have been changes, subtractions or additions to that module. View the changelog tab on your Member Home page to learn of any changes to platform material.
No Restrictions to Access. We believe learning is for everyone and do not limit our live workshops nor this platform to any one class of people, like only licensed health care practitioners. If you have an interest in what we offer and want to dig deeply into aspects of health science that in some measure, is totally absent from mainstream health education academia, then we welcome you as a member to the platform whatever your path.
Lifetime membership. If you have enrolled with lifetime VIP membership, there will be no other recurring fees and as long as it exists you will have access. The software framework for this current version of the platform limits a user enrollment to a period of 15 years. If this framework continues to be used and you find yourself locked out after 15 years, contact us to extend that date.
Refunds. This material is specific to the natural health and alternative/complementary medicine arena. You should know that this is the type of information you want to have access before you join as once you do join, there are no refunds. Reasons of "I changed my mind" "it's not for me" "I don't like it" "my dog ate my computer", or whatever, are not entertained. You have permanent access when you join for as long as this platform exists and as long as your membership term allows e.g., lifetime, 1 year, 2 year, etc.
Termination. If you do not log into the system platform for a period of three years from your last login, your access and account on the platform may be terminated because for all we know, you have met your demise, you've been abducted by aliens or have gone with Elon Musk to Mars and are no longer on earth, or you have just lost interest. If termination occurs due to a long period of inactivity, the only way to reactivate is to rejoin if that option is available.
Your access can also be terminated if: you are abusive to others on this platform or on our private community group sites; if it is discovered your user name and password is being used by someone other than you (determined in various ways like IP address access, dual login, etc.); if it is found you are copying the material to use on a competing platform; if you are publicly sharing the platform material without our consent; or anything else we deem abusive and warrants termination; or if you request your account be terminated.
One User, One Access: Per the above termination reference, access is meant to be for one user, not one clinic or doc that buys one 'seat' and shares it with 5 others. Geesh, give us a break, this is not a mass market item where we can absorb all that. This is why we have the add-a-partner option in our Silver Extension. You can add a partner at half cost.
Non-transferrable: Each membership account is connected to a single email address and is not transferrable to another email address (with the exception of a business membership transfer as explained below).
Business memberships: This is applicable to clinics/companies with multiple users or potential users of this platform. When an individual at a business enrolls as a member using that businesses email account, that individual becomes the designated business contact. With the addition of the Silver Extension added to the account, additional business employees/associates using that same business email account can be added gaining both VIP membership and the Silver Extension at 1/2 price. If any employee/associate, or the designated business contact leaves the business and no longer accesses that businesses email system, their individual account here will terminate. As long as there is another employee/associate active as a member using the same business email account (who can be recognized as the designated business contact if needed), the clinic/company will continue to be able to add other employees/associates of the business at 1/2 price moving forward.
Business membership transfers: If a user signed up as a member with a clinic or company email address, that user's membership is non-transferrable to another employee/associate as that is seen as "sharing" the membership. If the business desires the original employee/associate business email account be transferred to another employee/associate, this can be done per request but this transfer will need to go to that individual's personal email address wherein they will take over the account as an individual member and membership with the companies email address (seen as the business membership) will terminate.
Content. All content is put forth for educational purpose and not as health advice irrespective of any perceptions you may hold from going through the material as well as when interfacing with platform instructors/tutors/mentors. If you need such health advice, see a competent health care practitioner.
Liability. In using this platform you agree that no liability extends to Biomedx, its staff or the tutor/mentors you might access for providing you this education and information, and likewise they assume no liability for your use or misuse of the information received.
Responsibility. You agree to assume full responsibility for adherence to any applicable law or regulation which may govern your use of this information in the public sphere.
Private. The content of this platform is private and may contain or encompass trade secrets. Beyond sharing aspects of it with your own private clients, you agree to never copy or disseminate this information without express written authorization.
Retained Right. You acknowledge that you join and use this platform under retained right exercising your freedom of choice regarding your own private education where health and other related matters are concerned.
No Safe Space. Political correctness in medicine, science, or otherwise, is not entertained here. You acknowledge this is not a mainstream college or university type platform with any form of 'safe space' provided to hide you from truths, concepts or expressed thoughts that may upset you. If you need protection from challenging ideas, concepts, debate, and prefer to be told what to think, colleges and universities with big tuitions may be more appropriate for you. This is not that.
Live Workshop Coupons. There is no guarantee to the continuation of live workshops or that a live workshop spot will be available to you at the given time that you might choose to attend. Discount coupons if offered for workshops to VIP members have no monetary value should they go unused.
Change in Terms. We reserve the right to update and change these terms and conditions at any time.
Biomedx EDU is the online platform for our LearnWell initiative.
That is Learn Well as in Learn Wellness!